Happy Woo Wednesdays! - Happy 40th anniversary to my parents


Happy Woo Wednesdays! My parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary this weekend and renewing their vows. We are having a "Crazy Rich Asians" themed party. This is so fitting because my parents are both actors. You can check out their work here. 2woos.

My parents have taught me so much, how to be fearless, go for your dreams, live life to the fullest and grow together with you partner everyday. I asked my mom to give her top 8 secrets/tips to a successful marriage.

  1. Get Active - Sometimes getting out of your comfort zone and sweating a little is all you need to reignite the spark. A line dance with friends, working out, Hiking at Terranea is great way to have a shared experience and stay connected.

  2. Get a New Mattress:Your body is the ground metaphor of your life. Feel the pleasure of a beautiful mattress

  3. Take turns inventing date night . Keep the relationship exciting and unique. It doesn’t matter if it is concert at the Park, dinner at a new restaurant, Going to the Broad. make your partner feel special like you used to, and you’ll see that the relationship will only get more exciting and affectionate in no time.

  4. Get together with new friends. Join Meet Up groups -Foodie Groups, Improv, Art, film. .

  5. Let spouse take the lead in telling their story and finishing.Don't interrupt. Conversation is like a dance talk to each other. . Just relax and enjoy this time, because this night is over very quickly and replaced him come everyday. So whether or not to strain, and specifically to invent something.

  6. Do Something Laughable.laughter is the best medicine,. Watching a funny movie or going to a comedy show are obvious ways to laugh together, but finding humor in everyday life is just as important.

  7. Be your partner’s maid for a day. Treat your partner like royalty for a day or even a few hours if your partner doesn’t allow you to play the maid for an entire day.

  8. Watch a romantic movie together once a month and order all the rich takeout food you’ve been craving for the entire month. Cuddle up for the evening and don’t move out of each other’s sight.

Florals by Florunique and white dress by Vene ai


la arboretum engagement photographer / carolyn + jason


christ cathedral wedding / jen + tuan